1994-08-18 13:22
[ Seaborne Trade Volume by K F F to Increase ]
During the second quarter of this year, seaborne cargo volume by domestic
intermodal freight forwarder showed a gain.
Container cargo volume amounted to each 56,570TEU, 22,398TEU in export
/import volume and general cargo volume each 1,340,177R/T, 567,322R/T.
Air cargo volume also amounted to each 56,356,500kg, 74,794,390kg in
According to the recent statistics compiled by Korean Intermodal Freight
Forwarding Association, freight forwarders have handled 39,614TEU
container cargo and 888,644R/T bulk cargo through the Korean flag
As for the revenues by items, brokerage revenues reached $17,451,199,
charges for collecting cargo accounted for $12,067,374, inland service
charges $1,740,000 and buyer’s consolidation fee $1,320,000 respecti