2025-03-18 09:00

ONE and SMF Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Nurture Maritime Talent

Ocean Network Express (ONE) and the Singapore Maritime Foundation (SMF) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly nurture a talent pipeline for the maritime industry.
Under the MoU, ONE will sponsor at least two (2) MaritimeONE scholarships (including applicable overseas exchange programme) and two (2) MaritimeONE internships per year over a three (3)-year period from 2025 to 2027, deepening the global liner company’s partnership with SMF. The scholarships and internships will be managed and marketed by SMF, with both parties jointly selecting the candidates. This collaboration is part of SMF’s suite of programmes under the MaritimeONE umbrella, which aims to connect youths and young adults with the maritime industry through immersive and experiential learning.
ONE’s other collaborations with SMF include hosting company visits for students through the MaritimeONE Company Connect, participating in the annual Maritime Youth Forum as a keynote speaker and through its company booth, and supporting the MaritimeONE VIP Pass in 2024, where winners were given an exclusive opportunity to go onboard one of ONE’s signature magenta vessels and have lunch with its CEO.
“I thank ONE for its strong support of SMF’s talent development programmes. The deepening of our partnership through the signing of the MoU demonstrates our collective commitment to nurturing future maritime talent. It comes at a pivotal juncture as the industry transitions into a future where technology is pervasive and shipping becomes greener, requiring a workforce with new skillsets,” said Ms. Tan Beng Tee, Executive Director, Singapore Maritime Foundation.
“At Ocean Network Express, we believe in nurturing talent that will shape the future of the maritime industry. This MoU further cements our commitment to work with our stakeholders in the industry to create opportunities for bright minds to transform challenges into opportunities. We look forward to seeing these students become the industry leaders who will navigate our sector through increasingly complex global waters,” said Ms. Tay Ai Lin, Senior Vice President, Global Human Resource and ONE Academy, Ocean Network Express.   

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