With a score of 90.5%, Maersk Line maintains its status as the most reliable of the top 20 carriers across all trades.
Every quarter Drewry releases its industry benchmark on reliability, the Drewry Schedule Reliability Insight. Every quarter Maersk Line is in the very top, and they have now had a 1st place ranking for six consecutive quarters.
The score of 90.5% in Q3 is slightly lower than for Q2, but still high enough to make first place. None of the other carriers in the top 20 had a reliability score above 90%.
Morten Engelstoft, Chief Operating Officer in Maersk Line, says “We are proud to be number one and are committed to maintaining our ranking while lowering our costs, including bunker consumption.”
“We need to have efficiency in mind while we build in flexibility for delays, volume variations, terminal productivity and weather conditions,” says Søren.
He underscored that reliability does not have to come at the expense of cost or environmental performance. “We have proven in the past year that we can be reliable and have lower fuel consumption and costs in general.” < Korea Shipping Gazette >
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