2003-07-04 11:29
IMO strengthens security for ships and port facilities
In order to strengthen security for ships and port facilities, ISPS (International Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facility), adopted by the IMO (International Maritime Organization) last December, will come into effect from July 1 next year.
According to ISPS, port authorities should set a value on port and ship security. They will also issue an SOC (Statement of Compliance) and DOC (Document of Compliance) for each port and ship.
If security at a port is insufficient, foreign ships can avoid calling there. Also, port authorities can take strong steps such as rejecting docking or preventing ships from disembarking.
MOMAF (Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) plans to establish national systems by August and inform concerned officers of the new systems in October. It also plans to increase surveillance equipment and vehicle inspection machinery and implement an ID System.
ISPS will become effective in 28 domestic ports. From November, after security evaluations, SOCs will be issued in all 28 ports.