2024-12-17 08:59

OOCL Celebrates the Naming of its First 16,828TEU Vessel

Orient Overseas Container Line Ltd. (“OOCL”) is pleased to announce the naming of its first brand new 16,828 TEU container vessel, the “OOCL Bauhinia”, at a ceremony held today at the Dalian COSCO KHI Ship Engineering Co., Ltd. (“DACKS”) shipyard. This vessel is the first of ten new 16,000 TEU container ships ordered by OOCL and represents the company’s first "NeoPanamax" class vessel in the latest decade.
As a first for OOCL, this series of vessels are named after flowers. The choice of bauhinia, the city flower of Hong Kong, as the name of the first in the series holds special significance for the company, which has been rooted in Hong Kong for 55 years. As OOCL celebrates this naming ceremony, it honors its deep connection to Hong Kong, a global maritime hub renowned for its strategic location and vibrant shipping industry.
With a length of 366.99 meters, a width of 51.0 meters, and a depth of 30.2 meters, this vessel features a design draft of 14.5 meters and a carrying capacity of 16,828 TEU. It is one of the largest ships capable of navigating the new locks of the Panama Canal, providing notable flexibility in vessel deployment. Representing the next generation of NeoPanamax container ships, it not only complies with the latest environmental regulatory requirements, but also sets new benchmarks in areas such as environmental design, energy efficiency, digital intelligence, safety, and onboard comfort by incorporating the latest technological innovations and intelligent solutions.
OOCL invited Ms. Xiaoli Ma, Managing Director of COSCO-HIT Terminals (Hong Kong) Limited and Deputy Managing Director of Asia Container Terminals Ltd. as the vessel sponsor to name and bless the new vessel, along with honorable guest, Mr. Lianjun Li, Senior Partner at Reed Smith Richards Butler LLP. The ceremony was successfully completed under the witness of many guests, partners and customers.
Mr. Peter Pan, Director and Member of Executive Committee of OOCL, expressed his gratitude to DACKS at the ceremony, “I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to DACKS. Following the delivery of 24,000 TEU vessels earlier, you have once again demonstrated exceptional craftsmanship in building this new generation 16,000 TEU container ship. This ship features advanced eco-friendly and energy-saving technologies, along with a large carrying capacity and high intelligence, achieving comprehensive advantages at a world-class level. With the new ship in operation, OOCL aims to enhance shipping efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, so as to contribute to sustainable development.” The “OOCL Bauhinia” will be deployed on the Trans-Pacific Trade PCC1 service, connecting Asia with the U.S. West Coast. The port rotation is: Ningbo / Shanghai / Pusan / Long Beach / Pusan / Ningbo / Shanghai in a 42 day round trip. 

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