2022-07-19 09:03

DHL Philippines’ Partnership with SOS Children’s Villages International Empowers Youth Employability

DHL Express, DHL Global Forwarding, and DHL Supply Chain have signed a local partnership with SOS Children's Villages International to empower young people aged 15 to 25 in the Philippines and help prepare them for employment or entrepreneurship.
The global partnership with SOS Children's Villages began in 2011 under Deutsche Post DHL Group's "GoTeach" initiative globally. It has since grown to more than 50 countries. The Philippine partnership will kick off on 6 July 2022, upon signing of the memorandum of agreement. This is the second GoTeach partnership for DHL in the Philippines. Since 2013, DHL has been supporting students and teachers from Teach for the Philippines with internships, career planning sessions and mentoring.
Partnering SOS Children's Villages and Teach For All, GoTeach is a global program by Deutsche Post DHL Group to help young people transition into independence in their respective countries. The program aims to improve the employability of young people, especially those from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds due to poverty, loss of family, and fleeing.
"We would like to thank DHL for partnering with us for YouthCan! and for giving children more opportunities to choose their path in life. Together, let's ensure that our youth will pave their way to a bright future," said Romil Rayos del Sol, OIC & Deputy National Director of SOS Children's Villages Philippines.
Under the partnership with SOS Children's Villages, employees of DHL Express, DHL Global Forwarding, and DHL Supply Chain will work to mentor youths as they transition to the working world. The activities include job orientation to help young people understand the job market, soft and basic skills training to improve employability, and entrepreneurship to empower them to become independent and make their dreams come true.
"This partnership is important to us because education is fundamental to greater stability and prosperity for individuals and society. Through these collaborative efforts, I believe we will have more opportunities to help train our youth and prepare them for employment and independence. This is part of our commitment to invest in the next generation of leaders and assist them in developing skills and capabilities for a better future," said Nigel Lockett, Country Manager of DHL Express Philippines.
"When it comes to our GoTeach activities, our employees share their time and individual skills and experiences in mentoring and developing young leaders. This is a rewarding experience for both and a great opportunity for the youth to expand and explore different career paths," said Bevan Noel Williams, Country Managing Director of DHL Supply Chain Philippines.
"This partnership with SOS Children's Villages is a testament to our commitment to helping improve the employability of young people as part of our GoTeach activities. We are honored to provide mentorship and other resources to our youth and help them find success in their chosen careers," said Yvonne Lee, Managing Director of DHL Global Forwarding Philippines. 

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