Shipping line APL said it is no longer providing container chassis in these two western cities.
This is the first phase of the Singapore-based container carrier’s plan to withdraw from chassis provisioning throughout the U.S. In the future, motor carriers will provide chassis as part of their drayage services.
Chassis are the skeletal truck trailers used to haul shipping containers over the road. APL said that in Denver and Salt Lake City, truckers will have the option of obtaining chassis from global leasing company FLEXI-Van Inc. and other chassis providers.
“We have been working diligently to assure that the transition to a different chassis provisioning model is as seamless and as convenient as possible for our customers and their truckers,” said APL Americas President Gene Seroka.
Shipping lines operating in the U.S. have historically managed chassis fleets, making chassis available to truckers hauling containers. APL said that motor carriers are in a better position to efficiently use chassis in their operations.
APL announced earlier this year that it will stop providing chassis at most U.S. inland terminals in 2012. The move will extend elsewhere in the U.S. in 2013. < Korea Shipping Gazette >
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