2011-03-17 15:20
Three carriers to launch Japan-Indonesia joint service
Hanjin Shipping, CNC and KMTC have announced that they are launching a joint service connecting Japan and Indonesia starting from March 22nd.
Offering a weekly voyage, this new service will cover the trade lane linking the major ports of Japan and Indonesia.
Also, four vessels with a nominal capacity of 1,700 TEU each will be deployed in the service among which Hanjin Shipping will provide 2 ships, CNC and KMTC one each.
According to the partner carriers, they are confident that the introduction of this service will fulfill customers’growing needs in the midst of the increasing trade activity between Japan and Indonesia.
▲JPI (Japan - Indonesia) Service
- Port Rotation: Osaka-Kobe-Tokyo-Yokohama-Hong Kong-Manila-Surabaya-Jakarta-Manila-Hong Kong - Osaka
- Vessel Deployed: 1,700 TEU X 4 (HJS X 2, CNC X 1, KMTC X 1)
- Date of Commencement: March 22nd, 2011 (ETB Osaka)