2010-01-29 14:31
Asia airlines cargo down 11 percent in 2009
The Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) today released preliminary traffic figures for the full 2009 calendar year. Overall, in 2009, AAPA member airlines carried 132.9 million international passengers, 5.7% fewer than in the previous year.
Passenger traffic measured in revenue passenger kilometres (RPK) fell by 6.5%, indicating particular weakness in demand on long-haul routes. Available seat capacity was reduced by 6.1%, resulting in a marginal drop in the average passenger load factor by 0.4 percentage points to 74.6%.
The cargo business is regaining some of its dynamism, and passenger demand on short haul leisure routes within the region has already picked up, although business travel demand is recovering more slowly.
Asia Pacific airlines remain focused on conserving cash, rebuilding damaged balance sheets, and carefully managing capacity to match demand as they work towards restoring profitability. Whilst we remain hopeful about future prospects, the outlook for 2010 very much depends on the sustainability of what still appears to be a rather fragile global economic recovery.