2009-04-02 09:28
Global logistics companies move to New Port Distripark
As global logistics companies move to the North Container Terminal New Port Distri-park, they breathe fresh air into the port.
BPA announced that the opening ceremony of the Dongbang Logistics Center had been held at the New Port Distri-park on March 11 with about 200 guests, including government officials and BPA officials.
Dongbang Logistics Center, a consortium between Korean representative logistics company, DongBang, and Chinese logistics companies, is expected to create 16,000 TEU of cargo volume while handling Samsung Tesco cargoes. Currently nine logistics companies including C.stenweg Dongbu Distripark are operating their businesses, creating 63,000 TEU of cargoes and 200 jobs.
A BPA official said that the New Port Distri-park is popular among domestic and foreign companies because it is designated as a free economic zone in which tenant companies can enjoy low rents and various tax cuts. BPA plans to expand the Distri-park capabilities in response to the ongoing popularity. <Korea Shipping Gazette>