1998-02-03 10:16
[ BV and RINA in Bulk Carrier Software Initiative ]
International classification societies Bureau Veritas and Registro Ita
liano Navale have jointly edveloped a software program to help ship op
erators and naval architects comply with forthcoming arnendments to th
e Safety of Life at Sea Convention(SOLAS).
Adopted by the IMO, they embrace a resolution covering the Unified Req
uirements of the International Association of Classification Societies
for existing ships, and for newbuildings.
The SOLAS arnendments anr due to come into force for new ships constru
cted on or after 1 July 1999, but will form part of the BV and RINA Ru
les for ships contracted from 1 July 1998.
The new software, BULK, is designed to assess the structural strength
of watertight vertically corrugated transverse bulkheads and double bo
ttom structures in bulk carriers.
Based on an ultra user-friendly format, BULK uses a graphical Windows
interface to input data and run calculations. Its output reports provi
de the user with a comprehensive view of compliance, and the strength
criteria admissible in the new URs for transverse bulkheads and double
bottom structures.
The complete set of BV programs, including VeriSTAR and the RINA Rule
Interactive Approval programs have now been updated to include the new
BULK software. VeriSTAR itself has been adopted for use in condition
assessments on a large number of bulk carriers.