1997-11-30 11:52
[ The Grand Alliance Announced its Sailing Schedules ]
Further to The Grand Alliance press release of Monday December 1st, Th
e Grand Alliance members(Hapag Lloyd, MISC, NYK, OOCL and P&O Nedlloyd
) announced further details of their 1998 service schedules.
The Grand Alliance wil be the largest such strategic group in the worl
d, offering the widest coverage of Asia/Europe port pairs and a highly
comprehesive and competitive coverage of the Asia/North America trade
The Grand Alliance will ensure most effective asset utilisating by com
bining the world-wide fleet of the partners, emphasising their strong
commitment to quality services.
The Grand Alliance schedules are given below.
Loop 1(8 vessels)
Southampton-Rotterdam-Hamburg-Rotterdam-Le Havre-Singapore-Hanshin-Nag
Loop 2(8 vessels)
Le Havre-Southampton-Bremerhaven-Antwerp-Singapore-Hong Kong-Kaohsiung
-Busan-Kaohsiung-Hong Kong-Singapore-Port Kelang-Le Havre
Loop 3(8 vessels)
Rotterdam-Hamburg-Southampton-Singapore-Hong Kong-Qingdao-Busan-Keelun
g-Hong Kong-Singapore-Rotterdam
Loop 4(8 vessels)
Southampton-Hamburg-Rotterdam-Colombo-Port Kelang-Singapore-Shanghai-N
ingbo-Shenzhen port-Hong Kong-Singapore-Malta-Southampton
Loop 5(8 vessels)
Rotterdam/Antwerp-Hamburg-Southampton-Malta-Jeddah-Jebel Ali-Singapore
-Shenzhen port-Hong Kong-Singapore-Colombo-Jeddah-Rotterdam/Antwerp
Loop 6(8 vessels)
La Spezia-Barcelona-Fos-Damietta-Singapore-Hong Kong-Busan-Hanshin-Kei
hin-Hong Kong-Singapore-Port Kelang-Damietta-La Spezia
Asia/West and East Coast North America
SSX (6 vessels)
Los Angeles/Long Beach-Kaohsiung-Hong Kong-Singapore-Port Kelang-Singa
pore-Shenzhen port-Hong Kong-Los Angeles/Long Beach
FEX (5 vessels)
Los Angeles/Long Beach-Vancour-Seattle-Keihin-Nagoya-Hanshin-Hong Kong
-Kaohsiung-Keihin-Los Angeles/Long Beach
JCX (5 vessels)
Los Angeles/Long Beach-Oakland-Keihin-Nagoya-Hanshin-Hakata-Shanghai-Q
ingdao-Hanshin-Nagoya-Sendai-Los Angeles/Long Beach
AEX/PNX (14 vessels)
Seattle-Vancouver-Oakland-Kaohsiung-Hong Kong-Laem Chabang-Singapore-C
olombo-Malta-Halifax-New York-Charleston/Savannah-Norfolk-New York-Hal
ifax-Malta-Jeddah-Colombo-Singapore-Laem Chabang-Shenzhen port-Hong Ko
PAX (13 vessels)
Los Angeles/Long Beach-Oakland-Keihin-Hanshin-Kaohsiung-Hong Kong-Hans
hin-Nagoya-Keihin-Seattle-Oakland-Los Angeles/Long Beach Savannah/Char
leston-Rotterdam-Halifax-New York-Norfolk-Savannah/Charleston-Los Ange
les/Long Beach