2003-05-20 17:46
Starting May 1, the fee for US-bound seaborne cargo transportation was raised
Starting May 1, the fee for US-bound seaborne cargo transportation was raised
The TSA (Transpacific Stabilization Agreement), which includes the major Korean ocean-going shipping firms, Hyundai Merchant Marine and Hanjin Transportation, said they plan to raise the fee for the US west coast by between $700-900 per FEU.
As a result, the current fee for West coast ($1,300-1,400 per TEU) may well surpass US $2,000, while cargoes bound for the eastern US seaboard will rise above US $3,000.
Due to oversupply in Asian-North America routes, the fee for US-bound seaborne cargo transportation has incurred losses over the last 3 years. But China has made rapid increases in exports this year, the main reason the massive price hike. The TSA forecast that the scale of US-bound seaborne cargo transportation would increase by 8 to 10%.