2023-05-23 08:56

Real-time Container Tracking via myKN by Kuehne+Nagel

Congestion and capacity constraints have made container visibility in recent times an absolute necessity for supply chain management. The new Container Dashboard in Kuehne+Nagel's myKN online platform harnesses data of a geo system cloud solution to allow customers to track all their containers in real-time. In addition, it reduces manual effort in identifying milestones and current deviations from the planned schedule. It not only increases accuracy and productivity by eliminating previous white spots in supply chain transparency but also enables early preventive measures for the cargo.
The Container Dashboard is part of Kuehne+Nagel’s digital solution myKN. Notifications on the next milestones, such as pick-up or departure, improve the transparency of the customer's door-to-door transport chain. This includes pre- and on-carriage, demurrage and detention, as well as transshipments. A new user interface lists container flows and dwell times and highlights deviations from the initial carrier schedule. Long-term analytics allow customers to reorganise routes that consistently exceed dwell times. The underlying real-time geo system collects and includes telemetry and multiple internal and external industry data sources, such as carrier data, terminal information, route maps, and vessel trackers, to improve the accuracy of the Estimated Time of Arrival.
Otto Schacht, Member of the Management Board of Kuehne+Nagel International AG, responsible for Sea Logistics, says: “To meet the demands of today's markets, shipping visibility must enable logistics operators to detect exceptions in real time and take preventive action before an order is disrupted. The Container Dashboard gives our customers an unparalleled edge in exception management. Backed by Kuehne+Nagel's global network, which offers a wide range of alternative shipping options, our expert teams can react and reschedule faster in case of route plan deviations or delays. This development is in line with our Roadmap 2026, which aims to strategically expand Kuehne+Nagel's digital ecosystem for a better Customer Experience.” 

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