2014-09-11 15:43

CMA CGM signs three agreements with CSCL and UASC

The CMA CGM Group, the world’s third largest container shipping company, is pleased to announce the signature of three major agreements with CSCL and UASC.

Under the name of 'OCEAN THREE', the agreements concern the following maritime trades-  Asia-Europe, Asia-Mediterranean, Transpacific and Asia-United States East Coast.

The agreements (a combination of Vessel Sharing Agreements, Slot Exchange Agreements and Slot Charter Agreements) will complete the CMA CGM offering on the biggest global maritime markets- On the Asia-Europe trade:  4 weekly services, which complete the 2 existing services, thereby offering 6 departures per week, On the Asia-Mediterranean trade:  4 weekly services, 2 to the Mediterranean, 1 to the Adriatic and 1 to the Black Sea the only one on this market, On the Transpacific:  4 weekly services to California and 1 service to the Pacific Northwest (United States and Canada), On the Asia-US East Coast trade: 1 service via the Suez Canal and 1 service dedicated to the Gulf of Mexico.

The agreements on the Transatlantic trade are being finalized and will soon be announced.

This new offering will combine both speed and reliability. Rotations will be optimized with calls in all the biggest Asian, European and North American ports, using transshipment hubs common to the three partners. 

The number of weekly calls proposed and the transit times will be among the best on the market, thereby responding to the expectations of our clients.

Rodolphe Saadé, CMA CGM Vice Chairman, said  “We are very pleased to have signed these three agreements with such reputable partners, whom we both know and appreciate.  This will allow us to propose to our clients a high quality and reliable alternative to existing services on the market.  CMA CGM will continue its global development.”

These agreements are pending authorization from the FMC (Federal Maritime Commission).

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