PIL is deploying a larger vessel in it 'SWS' (South West Africa Service) Asia-Africa container service.
The Incheon Port Authority (IPA) said the 'SWS' service is changing from 12 2,800-TEU vessels to 3,800~4,300-TEU vessels. On June 26 the first 3,800-TEU vessel, the Cota Savas, entered Incheon South Port where IPA and PIL Korea held a vessel welcoming ceremony. IPA plans to help promote the new route to shippers.
IPA expects an increase in African trade through the SWS trade. estimating an additional 500 TEU per year through the vessel enlargements.
The SWS rotation is Sangha - Ningbo - Singpore - Capetown - Ragos - Tema - Cotdibuare - Abidjan - Dalian - Xingang - Qingdao.
< 이명지 기자 mjlee@ksg.co.kr >