2000-04-14 11:44
48.2% Increases in Korea/China Car Ferry Traffic
Container transportation by car ferry carrier between Korea and China
and between Korea and Japan has increased dramatically over 1999.
According to the Shipping Policy Division in the Ministry of Maritime
Affairs and Fisheries (MOMAF), total container cargoes amounted to 165
,541 teu, up 30.0 percent compared to the previous year. Of special in
terest, the records indicate that the amount of traffic between Korea
and China 115,574 teu increased by 48.2 percent compared to the previo
us year. In particular, trade between Inchon and Tandong jumped to 7,1
05 teu, showing 528.8 percent increase. The amount between Korea and J
apan, in contrast, only increased slightly to 49,967 teu, showing a 1.
9 percent increase.