1994-10-06 09:15
[ Maritime Meeting between Korea and Vietnam to be Held ]
It seems most likely that the high-level maritime meeting between Kore
a and Vietnam is going to be held sooner or later.
As a matter of fact, Korea Maritime and Port Administration (KMPA) sai
d that they will finally decide upon this possible meeting, depending
on the overall information from their close consultation with Korea S
hipowners’ Association and shipping related associations.
In the meanwhile, the mutual seaborne transportation between the two c
ountries has been carried out by Dongnama Shipping and Heung-A Shippin
g with the frequency of 2 sailings per month. The container trade volu
me between the two countries amounted to 19,177 TEUs, up 35 percent la
st year.
“The maritime meeting will be held within next year only when we feel
pretty confident we can have many benefits out of this meeting ” KMP
A’s official said.