1994-09-01 11:42
[ Maersk Korea Stood First In Its Revenues ]
Maersk Korea, a full subsidiary comapany of Maersk Denmark has earned
the biggest revenues among the domestic shipping agents during the recent
several years. According to the Korea Shipping Agencies Association,
Maersk Korea stood the first with $2,725,130’s revenues during the
first half of this year , up 17 percent as compared to the same period
of last year and Soyang Shipping,the general agent of NYK Japan moved
up to the second position from the third last year. Behind it came
Wo Sung Shipping followed by Hyop Woon Shipping, Pan Continental Shipping,
Nedloyd Lines Korea, Dongwoo Marine, Tong Jin Shipping Service,Korea
Marine, Universal Shipping, etc.On the whole, agents covering the routes
between China/Russia and Korea has shown quite considerable increase in
the growth rate in the revenues as well as in the overall ranking.
Transorient Shipping, which is handling the great majority of the car-
goes going to and from Russia, has seen its revenues increased by 32
percent. Even in case of trading from and to China, Doo Woo Shipping
has shown quite remarkabel increase in it revenues by 290 percent
whilst Weidong Ferry has demonstrated 83 percent’s growth.
In the meanwhile, during the first half of this year, the revenues earned
by the domestic 225 agents altogether have amounted to $52,406,140 in total,
up 4.5 percent over the same period of the preceding year but no other
agents than Maersk Korea have gained over two million dollars whereas
last year two agents like Maersk Korea and Pan Continental Shipping
surpassed these two million figures.