2003-10-07 11:07
Transshipment cargo exempted from entrance fee
Full entrance fees are being exempted across domestic ports from this October.
The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries said Sept. 29, ?e charged 2,100 won per twenty foot equivalent unit. However, we have decided to abolish that fee for all transshipment cargoes starting this October.? All this comes only three months after transshipment cargoes received a 50% reduction last July.
Vessels with 5,000 TEU of transshipment cargoes will benefit from this new decision with savings of as much as 10.5 million won per calling. Based on transshipment amounts last year in Pusan, no less than 4.4 billion won will be exempted.
MOMAF is also allowing overseas shipping companies to carry coastal cargoes between domestic ports, especially those between Pusan and Gwangyang first, securing increased profits for shipping companies.
In addition, there will be ?olume incentives?to exempt harbor dues and terminal lease fees for domestic and overseas shipping companies as well as terminal operating companies that succeed in attracting transshipment cargoes.
An insider from MOMAF said, ?e will win over transshipment cargoes with multilateral plans. Apart from this, the minister of MOMAF will visit domestic and overseas shipping companies on his own in order to draw them to Korea.?