Busan Port Authority, marking the 10th anniversary of its foundation on the 16th, will reduce commemorative events drastically. Instead, BPA will spend its allocated budget for the underprivileged.
Considering the recent global recession and normalization of management for public institutions, BPA stated that they will hold a simple ceremony instead of extravagant events, and they will carry out social contribution activities for the less fortunate.
BPA has been participating in a number of social contributing activities including commodity donation, briquette delivery, a kimchi making service, soup kitchen volunteer work, Santa expedition, and mural painting since last month.
Furthermore, BPA held an open forum for citizens marking the 10th anniversary on the 10th, and gathered extensive opinions under the theme of 'performance of BPA over a Decade and Development Perspective'
The commemorative ceremony will take place in the BPA main conference hall on the 16th, and 150 participants including national assembly members, MOF vice minister, BPA executives and employees will attend the event. At the ceremony, BPA 2030 Vision will be declared, and excellent employees will be rewarded by being presented appreciation plaques, and a support fund will be provided.
In the afternoon, all employees will fulfill their social duties by participating in social contributing activities. 100 sacks of rice, purchased by BPA employees and the rice gift given to BPA instead of a commemorative flower gift, will be delivered to low income families. In addition, BPA will deliver 10 thousand briquettes to senior citizens who live alone.
BPA, the first port authority in the nation, was launched in January, 2004 in order to promote Busan Port as a logistics hub in Northeast Asia. BPA has established a firm foothold in making Busan Port a global luxurious port for the past ten years. < Korea Shipping Gazette >
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