1994-08-25 10:31
[ Export Cargo via Seaborne Trade with China to grow ]
During the first half of this year, Korean shipping companies have hand-
led 29,347 TEU cargoes, exceeding 13,615TEUs handled by Chinese ship-
ping companies.
Out of these total handled TEUs, export volume showed remarkable growth
with 13,842 TEUs while import volume have overwhelmingly reached
15,505 TEUs. On the other hand, cargoes handled by Chinese shipping
companies have shown only small increase with 4,300 TEU exports and
9,300 TEU imports.
However, cargo volume handled by Korea shipping companies fell far
short of the volumes by joint-venture company and the third party count-
ry’s shipping company due to the fact that both countries’national flag
carriers have only commenced their service from February this year
Joint-venture company has handled 84,912 TEUs , an increase of 32 per-
cent as compared to the same period of last year with the third party
country’s company handling 45,568 TEUs, up 63 percent.
Among Korean shipping companies, Hanjin Shipping has handled the larg
est quantity of cargoes. Behind it comes Hyundai Merchant Marine with
handling 7,015 TEUs in total, 3,325 TEUs export and 7,015TEUs import
followed by Cho Yang Line(5,340 TEUs), Pan Ocean Shiping(1,930 TEUs),
Nam Sung Shipping(1,821 TEUs), Chun Kyung Shipping(1,428 TEUs), Pan Con-
tinental Shipping(1,423 TEUs).