2003-11-13 09:23

Shinsundae terminal installs automation system on CY

Shinsundae terminal announced that it will build automation systems on the fourth and fifth container yards to be complete at the end of next year and 2007.
Amongst container dedicated terminals, Shinsundae terminal is the first one to be equipped with an automation system, expecting to affect at Pusan New Port in 2006.
PECT, an operator of Shinsundae terminal, said that it decided to install the automation systems on the fourth berth container yard currently under construction and the fifth berth container yard, which begins construction this month. PECT explained that this decision aims to meet cost-savings goals and improve efficiencies in order to survive competition against terminals like the Chinese ports, Shanghai and Qingdao, which are pouring massive amounts of capital into improvements in productivity.
In addition, three berths opening in early 2006 from phase 1-1 completion of Pusan New Port helped PECT to decide to automate things to prepare for severe competition amongst terminals within Pusan Port.
PECT revealed plans to divide a 32,000-pyoung wide container yard in the fourth berth into 5 blocks. It is scheduled for completion at the end of 2004. Each block would be mounted with two automated RMGCs (Rail Mounted Gantry Crane) with a 300-meter long rail. The fifth berth will follow the fourth berth plan, which means the 33,000 pyoung wide container yard will open at the end of 2007 and will also be set up with five blocks with a single RMGC each.
This crane will be operated in the center through a remote controlling system, and will be able to stack containers 6 stories high by 9 rows wide, a large improvement over the current 4 stories high and 6 rows wide.
PECT expected that the automated system would raise productivity by 20-30% with a half of the current yard workers and yard space efficiency by over 30% by stacking 6 stories high instead of 4.
The sea fronted Apron, however, will not be developed with an automatic system as AGB has not yet completely stabilized, said an official from PECT.
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