2003-09-05 19:46
Pan Continental Shipping invests in 'Ocean Express' ship for Pendulum Service
Pan Continental Shipping Co., Ltd. put in operation a 'Pendulum Service' in a Korea~China~Japan service after they bought a used ship July 25.
The ship is named the "Ocean Express", weighs 12,839 DWT (Dead Weight Tons), is 8,750 G/T (Gross Tonnage), and was built in Japan in 1992. The ship will load 700 TEU cargoes maximum and serve 16 knots at full speed.
Ports of call for the Pendulum Service include: Ulsan - Pusan- Ningbo - Shanghai - Ulsan - Pusan - Tokyo - Shimizu -Nagoya - Yokkaichi - Toyohasi. The opening ceremony was held in the Pusan Port fourth wharf July 30.
Pan Continental Shipping announced that they would operate a fixed weekday service with the Ocean Express and a 500 TEU class chartered ship until further notice. They will consolidate the service with 3 ships, rotating out the 500 TEU class chartered ship and replacing it with 2 new 826 TEU class vessels by the end of next year.