2003-07-15 11:38
Hamburg Sud boosts Asia - South America trades
Hamburg Sud, well known for its reefer services, is expanding its Asia - South America services.
Since taking over Kien Hung in April, Hamburg Sud has replaced Kien Hung vessels with its own. It has also streamlined various services for both cost efficiency and customer service satisfaction. Mr. Frank Smet, regional director for Australasia, stated of the streamlining, "Schedule reliability and container availability has improved significantly. The scope of destinations in South America has increased thanks to the connection with the existing service network of the Hamburg Sud Group in South America." From August, Hamburg Sud will consolidate all services previously under Kien Hung to its own brand name. Mr. Smet cited the reason for the change, as customers would appreciate the good reputation of Hamburg Sud.
In line with that change, they will introduce Alianca Navegacao e Logistica Ltda into the Asia - East Coast South America trade. Founded in 1951, and joining the Hamburg Sud group in 1998, Alianca is Brazil's largest container carrier. They also operate a large intermodal and feeder network.
Flying under the Brazilian flag, Alianca will be able to offer certain advantages for companies in circumstances where only Brazilian vessels can serve.
Also planned for the near future are more sailings in the trade in order to increase port coverage, service reliability, and transit-times. At the same time, Hamburg Sud expects to introduce an express services for reefer cargoes and to expand and offer West Coast South America services as well. The expected result is improved transit-times between Asia and South America.
Those plans are not yet finalized, but the company anticipates releasing the full details shortly.