1996-02-15 10:41
Broere Shipping and Theodora Tankers of the Netherlands, both subsidia
ries of Pakhoed n. v., will become the first companies in the world to
operate ships legally with electronic charts as their main navigation
system. The Directorate General of Shipping and Maritime Business(DGS
M) of the Netherlands has authorised Broere Shipping and Theodora Tank
ers to conduct an experiment whereby their three newest ships will ope
rate between the North Sea and the western Mediterranean using only AR
CS charts from the UK Hydrografic Office and displayed on Racal-Decca
ChartMaster electronic charting systems.
The authorisation has been granted on the understanding that each ship
is fitted with two independent ChartMaster systems. The ships are als
o required to carry a selection of appropriate paper charts of the pri
ncipal operating areas as a back-up. The availability of electronic ch
arts from an official source, and reliable hardware upon which it may
be displayed, has been recognised by the DSGM as complying with IMO Ma
ritime Safety Committee Circular 566 which advises flagstate governmen
ts that they should require a graphical position displayed aboard thei
r vessels.