1998-01-12 10:39
[ IICL Announces Results of Inspectors’ Tests to ... ]
IICL Announces Results of Inspectors’ Tests to Nearly 800 Candidates
IICL has mailed results to approximately 800 candidates worldwide who
took the annual inspector’s examinations in November 1997, announced
Linda S. Rae, Director of Examinations for IICL.
“Passing rates differed markedly from one country to another,”stated
Mrs. Rae. “Among countries with the highest passing rate for the Con
tainer Inspector’s exam were Vietnam, where all five candidates passe
d; China, with a 90% pass rate; India, where 82% of the candidates pas
sed; Sri Lanka and Taiwan (80% each); and Australia and New Zealand(76
% each). Among countries with lower passing rates included the United
States, where only 43.5% passed the test.”
In order to ensure that the passing score for any given year is equiva
lent to previous years’passing grades, IICL uses statistical and psyc
hometric methods developed for standardized testing. This guarantees
that the minimum competence needed to pass the examinations remains th
e same over the years.
Inspectors taking the Container Inspector’s test came from more than
45 countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Guatemala, Germany, Ghana,
Greece, Ireland, Malaysia, Spain, Thailand, Uganda and others. Test c
enters were offered in over 50 cities across the globe, from Milan to
Manila to Melbourne to Mombasa. Special test centers set up for the 1
997 examination included Bogota, Colombia; Devonport, in Tasmania, Aus
tralia; Nagoya, Japan; Napier, New Zealand; Harare, Zimbabwe; and othe
rs. The U.S. Chassis Inspector’s examination was given in 13 states
across America, including Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Missouri, Sout
h Carolina, Tennessee and others.
As in the past, the largest number of test takers from the Pacific Rim
and Indian Ocean area, including Australia/New Zealand(58.7%). The la
rgest increase in any geographical are was from Latin America, where c
andidates accounted for 18% of the total in 1997, up from 9% in 1996.
The biggest drop was in the USA/Canada, which provided only 10.8% of a
ll candidates, down from 19.5% in 1996.
Successful test candidates receive an IICL certificate and photo ident
ification card, and are listed in the IICL Inspection Directory. The
Directory, which also lists companies employing IICL-certified inspect
ors, is updated periodically to include the latest certified inspector
s. Featured in the 1997 Directory are over 50 professional advertisem
ent listings for depots and surveying companies, showing services offe
red, locations serviced, and other information of possible interest to
The IICL certification examinations are held once a year in the fall.
The Container examination tests knowledge of IICL published criteria
on container inspection and damage measurement, container repair, clea
ning and refurbishment. The U.S. chassis test is based on U.S. govern
ment regulations on chassis inspection and maintenance and on informat
ion in IICL Chassis manuals. Both examination programs were initiated
in order to raise standards and encourage professionalism in the cont
ainer inspection and repair industry.
IICL members are CAI, Carlisle, Cronos, Flexi-Van, Florens, Genstar, I
nterpool, Sea Containers, Textainer, Trc, Transamerica, Triton and XTR