2003-10-07 11:08
Provisional contract with Japan for three cranes
The Korea Container Terminal Authority (KCTA) revealed that it made temporary contracts with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to buy three cranes. According to the KCTA, one crane scheduled for introduction is at work somewhere in Japan, and is state-of-the-art, equipped with 20 rows and able to withstand a maximum wind speed of up to 50m/s.
Though the manufacturing company told the KCTA that two cranes would be ready for installation at Gamman terminal by mid-February and the rest one mid-March, the KCTA said that it will negotiate with the company in the final contracts for all the cranes to be installed by mid-February.
Each crane costs 5 million dollars CIF (Cost Insurance & Freight), but the price may be negotiable in final contract. The 20-row crane currently at work in Korea for Gamman terminal costs 6.5 billion won.