2014-08-22 14:44
IPA handles 1,125,574 TEU in the first half
Incheon Port Authority (IPA) handled a total of 1,125,574 TEU in the first half of 2014.
Import/export cargo and transshipment cargo accounted for 584,791 TEU (up 9.2 %) and 522,313 TEU (up 8.7%), while transshipment cargo was responsible for 9,029 TEU, respectively, compared to the previous year.
Full container imports from China accounted for 314,779 TEU, increasing 6.2% year on year. Cargoes between Vietnam were 43,256 TEU, increasing 19.3% year on year. American full container cargo accounted for 3,706 TEU, decreasing 26.8% year on year.
Container imports by country were China with 56.5%, Vietnam with 7.8%, Thailand with 6.8%, Hong Kong with 5%, and Malaysia with 3.7%, which accounted for 79.7% of the total trade volume.
Full container exports for China accounted for 164,321 TEU, representing a decrease of 2.8%. Malaysian and Taiwanese trade have increased rapidly.
This is the second consecutive month for IPA to handle over 200,000 TEU.
< 이명지 기자 mjlee@ksg.co.kr >