Port of Tacoma container volumes increased 17% in May, marking the third straight month of year-over-year growth.
Volumes continue to grow as shippers move cargo and equipment ahead of the traditional summer peak shipping season, in part to avoid possible supply chain disruptions as contract negotiations continue between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union and the Pacific Maritime Association. The current contract with U.S. West Coast dockworkers expires June 30.
Tacoma saw both containerized imports and exports grow year to date through May. Full imports improved 7% to 300,411 TEU, and full exports rose 7% to 227,489 TEU. Empty containers were also up nearly 7% to 93,591 TEU. The majority of the empty containers were traveling westbound, back to Asia.
Year to date in May, the port's container volumes have grown 5% to 798,278 TEU.
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