Heung-A Shipping's " Heung-A Dragon " |
Korean containership owner Heung-A Shipping back in the black as its financial results recovered in 2012.
The company said it made a net profit of KRW 13.85 billion in 2012 against a deficit of KRW 22.89 billion the previous year. Operating profits improved to KRW 31.11 billion, against KRW -7,124 million in 2011.
The carrier also came out of the red in 2011 for EBITA - Heung-A recorded KRW 14.35 billion in operating profit in this year, turning into the black from 23.19 billion in operating losses a year ago.
For revenue in 2012, Heung-A Shipping showed KRW 7.04 trillion, growing by 6.1% from KRW 6.63 trillion in 2011. < 김보람 기자 brkim@ksg.co.kr >
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