1994-06-09 10:00
[ New Liner service to open on Inchon-Japan routes ]
The new container liner service linking Inchon-Japan is expected to be
opened at the beginning of next year.
Pan Continental Shipping Co. recently have filed an application to KMP
A, Korea Maritime & Port Administration, for their involvement in Inch
on-Tokyo/Yokohama routes.
The company will employ 4,000 gross tonnage containership with a capac
ity of 342TEUs in the new trades.
The vessel is secured under the terms of bare boat charter hired purch
The seaborne container trade volume between Korea and Japan has been r
eached about 0.3 million TEUs annually and all the container trade car
goes to/from Japan have been nearly handled at Pusan port.
Provided that this new service is launched from next year, it is expec
ted to relax the traffic congestion on Seoul-Pusan Expressway because
increasing cargo volumn of coastal carrier.