1999-10-16 14:21

[ Norasia is Pleased to Announce the Commencemen ]

Norasia is Pleased to Announce the Commencement of a New High Performa
nce Transpacific Service.

Norasia is pleased to announce the commencement of a new high performa
nce Transpacific Service, that will establish itself as the Transit Ti
me leader on the Asia-California route.
With the deployment of 4 newly built and state of the art ships racing
at 25knots, the service will commence in Yantian and Hong Kong on 4th
Decomber, and will give a transit time to Long Beach of just 12days.
This service comes in the wake of Norasia’s successful entry into the
Pacific Northwest with the APX service launched in May of this year.
It may be recalled that this service established a record of a 7day tr
ansit cross Pacific and set a new benchmark in serving Hong Kong to Va
ncouver in just over 10days.
Norasia will also be making substantial structural enhancements to the
ir Management and Agency in the United States and Canada. With the nom
ination of Andy Russell as head of their activities in North America,
Norasia has confirmed its intent to be a long term participant in tran
sportation in this continent. Regional Managers with operations and co
mmercial portfolios have also established positions there.
Inchcape Shipping Services has been confirmed as Norasia’s agents in
North America and a dedicated core team has been set up with key repre
sentatives to handle the business from Norasia’s 3services touching t
he continent.
In keeping with the highly competitive demands of manufacturing in Asi
a, distribution in the USA and high value commodity requirements, week
end closings in Asia along with Thursday arrivals in Long Beach ensure
that Norasia’s customers have access to local containers on Friday m
The new service calls Yantian, Hong Kong, Keelung, Long Beach and Oakl
and, while the APX Pacific Northwest service will add calls at Yantian
and Seattle, possibly later also at Portland.
Norasia makes a statement with the commencement of this new initiative
on the Pacific to serve a Global client base and be a partner in the
supply chain management and logistical trends of the new millennium. A
strategy of speed, point to point niche marketing, and dedication to
customer service are endorsed.
The next generation of Norasia High Speed ships of 40knots capability
is on the drawing board and will further establish Norasia’s unique p
osition in a market driven by transit times and increased value on sea
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    선박운항스케줄 목록 - 선박운항스케줄목록으로 Vessel, D-Date, A-Date, Agent를 나타내는 테이블입니다.
    Vessel D-Date A-Date Agent
    Skagen Maersk 01/12 02/10 MAERSK LINE
    Seaspan Raptor 01/13 02/09 HMM
    Rdo Ace 01/13 02/10 HMM

    선박운항스케줄 목록 - 선박운항스케줄목록으로 Vessel, D-Date, A-Date, Agent를 나타내는 테이블입니다.
    Vessel D-Date A-Date Agent
    Ale 01/19 02/24 SEA LEAD SHIPPING
    Star 01/23 02/28 SEA LEAD SHIPPING
    Kmtc Nhava Sheva 01/25 03/01 FARMKO GLS

    선박운항스케줄 목록 - 선박운항스케줄목록으로 Vessel, D-Date, A-Date, Agent를 나타내는 테이블입니다.
    Vessel D-Date A-Date Agent
    Esl Dana 01/12 02/26 HS SHIPPING
    Esl Dana 01/13 02/23 SOFAST KOREA
    Gsl Nicoletta 01/17 03/03 Kukbo Express

    선박운항스케줄 목록 - 선박운항스케줄목록으로 Vessel, D-Date, A-Date, Agent를 나타내는 테이블입니다.
    Vessel D-Date A-Date Agent
    Ale 01/19 03/06 SEA LEAD SHIPPING
    Msc Jade 01/20 03/16 MSC Korea
    Star 01/23 02/27 SEA LEAD SHIPPING

    선박운항스케줄 목록 - 선박운항스케줄목록으로 Vessel, D-Date, A-Date, Agent를 나타내는 테이블입니다.
    Vessel D-Date A-Date Agent
    Hmm Southampton 01/13 03/02 HMM
    Hmm Stockholm 01/21 03/07 Tongjin
    Hmm Stockholm 01/21 03/07 Tongjin

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