2010-07-16 17:40
Ministry to set up air traffic management system of the future by 2011
The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs will set up a future air traffic management (ATM) strategy that is specifically tailored to the Korean situation by 2011.
This strategy is to reflect improved aircraft performance and the shift in air navigation methods from ground navigation facilities toward satellites, and other innovations and thereby integrate the plans and development directions for airports, airspace, air traffic control and navigation safety facilities within the future ATM system.
It will comprehensively analyze safety, efficiency, economic efficiency and the environmental impact of such shifts and promote cooperation between the sectors of the air transport industry.
Furthermore, the times and methods of phased-in technology applications for efficient airspace management, departure & arrival, and safe aircraft navigation, and necessary aircraft devices and ground facilities will be stated in the strategy.
In the mean time, ICAP has already established operation concepts for satellite-based global air traffic management and provides basic principles and directions for future air traffic management.
Europe and the U.S. are also developing and implementing their mid and long term plans such as Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) and Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), all of which consider safety, traffic volume and environmental impact.
In line with the global trend, the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs will review ICAO 7 regulations, the implementation plan of NextGen and SESAR master plan by 2010 to concretize Korea future ATM strategy. It will carry out joint research, open public hearings and finally develop a master plan for the strategy by 2011.
The strategy is expected to secure safe aircraft navigation, increase air transport efficiency and capacity, provide accurate weather predictions, and reduce noise and gas emissions since it provides air traffic management satellite-based services and a digital automation system, along with other advances. All in all, it will reduce the maintenance cost of navigation facilities and thereby improve convenience for passengers as well as airport operation efficiency.<Korea Shipping Gazette>