2010-02-11 16:24
Marketing competence as an exit route from the crisis
Claudia Roller is convinced that the Port of Hamburg will be able to exploit the opportunities inherent in the economic crisis.
The Port of Hamburg needs to market its strengths in an effort to succeed in the face of international competition. For us at Port of Hamburg Marketing Association, this is our top priority.
We can successfully position the port location and the surrounding metropolitan region in the market by highlighting the ecological and economic benefits of the efficient transport chains to and from Hamburg, the further optimisation of the network of hinterland connections, and northern Europe most highly developed network of feeder connections with the Baltic Sea region, and by promoting these assets intensively and in a targeted manner, explained the HHM marketing specialist.
Over recent weeks and months, HHM has registered growing interest in membership in the association and its activities, and it is stepping up its marketing programme for the year 2010 with more than 60 customer events, participation at numerous international trade fairs, more market research and a stronger image marketing campaign.
There will also be greater participation by HHM partner ports and member companies based in the Elbe region and in the hinterland.
The relocation of our main office to the Speicherstadt warehouse district has brought us even closer to our members in the Port of Hamburg, and we will make the most of the outstanding infrastructure at our new location in carrying out our daily marketing activities in the service of the seaport-related industries in Hamburg and the surrounding region, emphasised Claudia Roller.<Korea Shipping Gazette>