1994-09-30 16:00
[ Cargoes handled in Korean ports to increase constantly ]
Cargoes handled in domestic ports continue to be increased.
According to the Korea Harbor Transportation Association, cargoes hand
led in domestic ports as of the end of last July amounted to 182.9 mil
lion tons, up 13.1 percent as compared to the same period of previous
In terms of cargo handling volume by each port, Pusan recorded about 6
6.4 million tons, up 16.9 percent and Incheon reached about 31 million
tons, up 22.4 percent. Kunsan which showed the highest increase among
the whole domestic ports recorded 6,564,000 tons, up 63.2 percent. By
contrast, Pohang’s cargo handling volume declined by 2,4 percent to
20,199,000 tons over the same period of last year.
At the same time, cargo handling revenues have also shown a remarkab
le growth.
Revenues earned from the domestic ports by last July increased 13.3 pe
rcent to 309,078 million won in total. Pusan earned the biggest revenu
es with 126,810 million won and Kunsan displayed the highest increase
rate among the domestic ports.
In the meanwhile, looking at handled cargoes by item, containerized ca
rgoes occupied the biggest portion of the whole volume with 63.5 milli
on tons followed by crude oil with 36.4 million tons.