1998-04-13 10:27
[ Domestic Shipping Carriers to Rationalize Intra-Asian Svcs ]
Hanjin Shipping Co., Ltd., Heung-A Shipping Co., Ltd. and Dongnama Shi
pping Co., Ltd. will enter into a tie-up regarding intra-Asian service
s from Korea and Japan to reorganize their respective services.
And Cho Yang Shipping Co., Ltd., also will participate in the tie-up u
nder a slot-chartering agreement. The company will start service to th
e Straits on its own on May 4, and Heung-A will charter slots in this
These tie-up arrangements will make it possible to reduce the number o
f vessels assigned and enhance operational efficiency. At the same tim
e, the participating carriers will be able to expand their services by
such means as raising service frequency and increasing direct sailing
s to Japan.
The new tie-up service schedules are as follows: Hanjin/Heung-A/Dongna
ma Indonesia Service(two 1,300TEU, one 1,200TEU and one 1,085TEU vesse
l): Inchon(Fri./Sat.), Pusan(Sun./Mon.), Keelung(Wed./Thu.), Hong Kong
(Fri./Sat.),Jakarta(Wed./Fri.), Surabaya(Sat./Sun.), Singapore(Mon./Tu
e.), Hong Kong(Sun./Mon.) and Inchon(Fri./Sat.).
Japan/Indonesia service(four 1,000TEU vessels):Tokyo(Fri./Sat.), Yokoh
ama(Sat.), Osaka(Mon.), Pusan(Wed/Thu.), Manila(Mon./Tue.), Singapore(
Fri./Sat.), Jakarta(Mon/Tue.), Manila(Sun.)and Tokyo(Fri./Sat.).
Malaysia service(four 1,300TEU vessels):Inchon((Tue./Wed.), Pusan(Fri.
), Keelung(Sun.), Hong Kong(Wed./Thu.), Singapore(Mon.), Port Kelang(T
ue./Wed.), Medan(Wed./Thu.),Penang(Fri.), Singapore(Sun.), Manila(Thu.
/Fri.) and Inchon(Tue.).
Cho Yang’s independant service(two 1,200TEU and one 940TEU vessel): U
lsan(Mon./Tue.), Pusan(Tue./Wed.), Hong Kong(Fri./Sat.), Singapore(Wed
./Thu.), Port Kelang(Thu./Fri.), Singapore(Sat.), Hong Kong(Wed.) and