2008-03-05 16:32
"Eugen Maersk" makes inaugural Le Havre call
The "Eugen Maersk" called at Le Havre's Terminal Porte Oceane in mid-February, becoming the largest containership ever to sail into the port of Le Havre. It is 397 m long and 56 m across the beam and can carry 11,000 TEU, of which 1,000 can be 40’ reefer boxes. The "Eugen Maersk" was constructed in the Odense Steel Shipyard for the A.P.Moller-Maersk group.
In addition to the huge size of the vessel, this containership complies with new standards in terms of security, safety and environmental protection. She is the last-born of a series of eight sister-ships launched in 2006 and 2007. 1,600 empty containers were loaded on board before sailing to Shanghai, Ningbo, Hong Kong and Yantian via the Suez Canal. <Korea Shipping Gazette>