1998-02-18 17:57
[ Hanjin Inaugurated New Exclusive Hamburg Terminal ]
The “Hanjin San Francisco” was the first container vessel to call at
the inauguration ceremony of the opening of Hanjin’s first dedicated
terminal in Europe on 3rd march 1998.
Hamburg’s Senator of Economics, Dr. Thomas Mirow was present to inaug
urate the new deepwater(15,1m) terminal at the Predoehl-Quay. The new
terminal occupies 99,000sq.m,, with a total berth length of 300m. afte
r a construction period of 22 months and an investment of DM40 million
Hanjin’s managing director of European Headquarters based in Hamburg,
Mr. C.K. Oh and Hanjin’s vice-president, Mr. S.K. Lee conveyed a mes
sage of cooperation and thanks to Mr. Thomas Eckelmann of Eurokai and
the Port of Hamburg. The Port of Hamburg plays a prime role for Hanjin
as a central port for Middle and East Europe trade as well as in Scan
dinavian countries.
The transfer of berth no.6 forms an inportant milestone for Eurokai Co
ntainer Terminal as its targeted goal will be to achieve a container h
andling capacity of 1,6 million TEU by the year 2001. A total investme
nt of DM250 million from the City of Hamburg for the infrastructure.
Hanjin Shipping will operate with its alliance partners Senator Line,
Cho Yang Shipping, Sinotrans and UASC. Based on 3 weekly calls, the Eu
rokai terminal is capable of handling an annual throughput of 350,000