2005-11-24 10:34
Hanjin sends specialists overseas
Hanjin Shipping ann ounced on November 22 that it has selected specialists to open up new overseas shipping markets.
They selected five new specialists this year for the firm in an open recruitment process. The new specialists will begin work by the end of December in five areas including Durban in the Republic of South Africa, Portsaid in Egypt, Jakarta in Indonesia, Panama, and Nanning in China.
Nanning is the only marine gateway for Southwest China, and from now on, it will serve as a window for trade between China and Southeast Asia. Portsaid and Panama were selected as areas for specialists as they require advance examination to expand new services and connect transportation networks.
Durban is the largest port in Africa and handles over 60% of all cargoes bound for the Republic of South Africa. It will serve as a beachhead to advance into the African market. Indonesia will be the first fuel exporter because it is a major coal producer.
Hanjin's new people will study the local languages for six months, along with learning about the local culture and customs. Their duties will include investigating import and export conditions as well as logistics and possibilities for new services.
Since 1999, Hanjin Shipping has sent 46 specialists abroad to 22 countries to assure international competitiveness through growing its global shipping man power.