1997-02-14 18:02
[ The Port of Hamburg in 1996: ]
Above-average Growth in Container Turnover
Total Cargo Turnover Near Alltime Record
The Port of Hamburg’s cargo turnover was characterized by steady
upswing during 1996. After the year began with a low, recovery set in
and continued throughout the year. On the basis of the first ten
months’ figures, we can expect a total cargo turnover figure for
1996 that is almost as high as last year’s record result.
Differing developments characterized, as ever, the various
cargo-handling segments.
The overall economic background to the year’s developments was the
downturn in the German economy in the second half of 1995 which also
overshadowed the first months of 1996. The effect of this downturn
was heightened by the hard winter which, however, brought about a
sharp rise in GDP of 4% in real terms during the summer months,
mainly as a result of the construction industry catching up on output
lost as a result of the bad weather. Improving figures for the
economy as a whole brought about a steady increases in total cargo
turnover during the year, once again especially in container
turnover. Despite a generally rising trend through the year, the
falls in bulk and conventional general cargo turnover will not be
entirely offset by this increase in container turnover.
A comparison with Hamburg’s competitors in the North Range shows
that although these ports have developed in similar fashion, the
development of total cargo turnover and the growth of container
traffic in Hamburg have again exceeded the average figures for its
competitors(including Rotterdam).