1994-07-14 10:00
[ Hanjin,Russel Davies Open Joint Euro Container Logistics Services ]
Korea’s Hanjin Shipping and Britain’s Russel Davies have formed a new
joint venture company to market and operate container logistics services
throughout Europe.
The company, named H&R Eurotrans, has already assumed resposibility for
transport and equipment management on behalf of Hanjin at the line’s
European hub ports of Rotterdam, Hamburg, Felixstowe and Le Havre.
H&R Eurotrans was formally launched at a ceremony at its head offices
in Rotterdam, attended by senior executives of the partner companies,
customers and local dignitaries.
The company was described by Hanjin’s vice president Europe as a major
innovation that would offer significant benefits to both customers and
Hanjin itself.
“We will be able to focus on our strength, the development of ocean
services, while H&R Eurotrans has the expertise to arrange landside trans-
Ron Davies, group managing director of Russell Davies, pointed to his
company’s 15 year business relationship with the Koreans.
H&R Eurotrans has signed an agreement with Hanjin to provide transport
and container depot facilities throughout Europe, including northern
Europe and the Mediterranean countries.
It has no plans for additional investment in trucks or equipment at this
stage, but will employ Hanjin’s existing container logistics suppliers
in each territory.
It will manage all its activities from Rotterdam, using a computer network
with satellite links to process booking and track container movements
on a real time basis.
The company expects to be processing 100,000 container movements a year
within three years. It will not be dedicated to Hanjin, and will be
marketed as an independent container transport organization to other line
as well.