2003-09-02 18:00
MSC introduces new direct service Far East~ the black sea /East Mediterranean Ports
Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A of Geneva, Switzerland announced that they will introduce new Tiger Service from the Far East direct to Ports in the Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean.
Commencing from the sailing of the MSC Denisse from Shanghai on the 7th of October 2003 MSC will provide a direct express weekly service deploying eight vessels on the following port rotation: Shanghai - Ningbo - Chiwan - Hong Kong - Singapore - Istanbul - Illychevsk - Constantza - Izmir Jeddah and Singpore
The new Tiger Service will provide better transit times to Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean Ports, with improved schedule integrity and complement MSC's existing Silk and Dragon Services from the Far East to North Europe and the Mediterranean.
Commenting on this new service development Caroline Becquart, Trade Manager responsible for the Far East, emphasized that "This is a logical service improvement to our service network from the Far East to the important markets of Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean, where we are already participating currently through transshipment services."