1994-07-07 10:00
[ Seaborne Trade Volume Shows Steep Growth for 1st quarter]
The nation’s two-way container cargo traffic amounted to 660,901 TEUs
in the first quarter of this year.
According to the Korea Shipowner’s Association (KSA), the figure repre-
sented a rise of 11.2 percent over the same period last year.
A total of 370,398 TEUs were shipped out in the same period,which shows
a steep growth as opposed to 333,162 units a year ago. Of the total
traffics, 165,933 TEUs, 44.8 percent, were handled by Korean flag ve-
During the January-March period, 290,503 TEUs were imported as compared
to 261,120 units during the corresponding period of 1993.
On the other hand,foreign flag ships handled 162,686 TEUs, 46 percent
of the total imported container cargoes.
Container cargo traffic to and from Southeast Asian countries amounted
to 236,289 TEUs in the first quarter, accounting for 36.1 percent of
the total quantities , according to the KSA.
The figure showed a 40.1 percent increase from last year’s 170,120 units.
As many as 174,127 TEUs to and from North America were handled during
the first three months of this year, representing 26.3 percent of the
total two-way traffic.
Japan took 84,664 units or 12.8 percent, followed by Europe with 82,84
4 units or 12.5 percent, and the Middle East with 40,907 units or 6.2
percent, according to the KSA.
South America, Australia and Africa took 18,164, 16,247 and 5,658 units
Container cargo traffic to and from North America declined by 18.3 pe-
rcent and 1.1 percent respectively as opposed to that figure of last year.