2002-09-10 10:50

Evergreen awarded first ever Environmental Excellence award by Port of Los Angeles

Evergreen has been awarded the first ever recognition for environmental excellence by the Port of Los Angeles. The award demonstrates Evergreen's position as a catalyst among ocean carriers in achieving quality standards to conform with environmental issues and agencies. The award was given to Evergreen America Corp, which is the North America agent for Evergreen.
Commenting on the award, Nicholas Tonsich, Los Angeles Harbor Commission President, said:

“As we continue to meet and discuss the need for environmental reform with the port's clients, in conjunction with Mayor Jim Hahn's policy of no-net increase in air emissions, we are pleased with the co-operation of Evergreen and recognise their efforts with this award.”

T L Garrett, Marine Environmental Supervisor for the Port of Los Angeles, added:
“Evergreen was easily the most compliant ocean carrier in this voluntary programme. We monitored the data collected for over a year and there was no question that Evergreen's participation was nothing short of outstanding.”

Evergreen Marine Corporation (Taiwan) Ltd President Arnold Wang noted:
“Evergreen vessels throughout the world have been sensitive to a company-wide policy of compliance with environmental issues and meeting recommended standards ? whether mandated by law or voluntary. Being the recipients of this award is one of our proudest moments.”

The award acknowledges:
* Evergreen is the most compliant company with the port's voluntary Vessel Speed Reduction Programme, which requests that ships reduce their speed once inside port waters. This programme reduces tons of smog-forming emissions each day.
* Evergreen was the first terminal operator in the United States to use alternative fuel in their terminal operations equipment, thus reducing air emissions.
* Evergreen has voluntarily signed the port's Letter of Intent to use low sulphur fuels in the electrical generators on-board their vessels while berthing at the Port of Los Angeles. Cleaner fuels mean fewer emissions into the air.
* Evergreen has implemented an aggressive ballast water exchange programme and has achieved 100% compliance with that programme for the past three months.

The most beneficial part of the programme, the Voluntary Commercial Cargo Ship Speed Reduction Programme, is also the most expensive for the carriers. Mr Garrett noted:
“Reducing speed adds time to the schedule and time is money.”

Nevertheless, since May 2001 the Speed Reduction Programme has been in effect for ships entering and leaving the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. The purpose of the speed reduction measure is to reduce air pollution from ships in the South Coast Air Basin. It is expected that full implementation of this measure will result in the reduction of over three tons of smog pollutants from ships per day.
The two ports were supported by the Steamship Association of Southern California, the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association, the Marine Exchange of Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbor Inc, the US Environmental Protection Agency, the California Air Resources Board, and the South Coast Air Quality Management District. All had agreed to implement an Air Quality Compliance Zone with a 12-knot speed restriction beginning 20 nautical miles from Point Fermin to the boundaries of the existing mandatory Precautionary Area. Mr Garrett said:

“Evergreen never hesitated in honouring this request immediately. There is a model for other carriers to follow. With multi-calls in the Port of Los Angeles each week, it required a great deal of realigning scheduling, but they never complained.”

Evergreen’s Mr Wang added:

“Our special thanks go to the commitment of all Evergreen personnel, all our crew members, shore-side colleagues in charge, and outstanding leadership in this regard. As this award is initiated by the number one port in the US, which also serves as the first calling port of various trade lanes for many carriers, we view that this honour should be highly respected and recognised. Our theme is ‘Evergreen achieves the Environmental Excellence First Port Every Port’.”

Mayor Hahn has commented:

“Our approach to improving harbour area air-quality issues continues to be a multi-phased campaign to use new technologies and operational efficiencies to make large inroads into emission reductions for the benefit of the community.”
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