2022-04-19 08:59

Dachser Revenue Exceeds EUR 7billion for The First time

In the 2021 financial year, Dachser increased its consolidated revenue by 26.0 percent to EUR 7.1 billion. After the lockdown-driven lateral detour of the previous year, the logistics provider is back on a dynamic growth track. The positive outcome for 2021 is due to organic growth in shipments and tonnage of 6.3 percent, or 7.7 percent at the Group level. High freight prices, caused by the shortage of load capacity experienced by all carriers, set the seal on this jump in revenue.
"There's no question that 2021 was exceptional in many ways, with some extreme challenges to overcome," says Dachser CEO Burkhard Eling. "It was marked by Brexit, the COVID-19 pandemic, and global supply chains pushed to breaking point, all of which caused great uncertainty among our customers. Even in this situation, we managed to offer logistics solutions while still maintaining a high level of quality and service. In this way, we strengthened ties with customers and pursued targeted expansion of business, especially with our major accounts. This was an extraordinary achievement, where the difficult conditions meant that our teams had to give their all."
Dachser's Road Logistics business field—which comprises the transport and warehousing of industrial and consumer goods (European Logistics) and food (Food Logistics)—increased its revenue by 12.3 percent to EUR 4.99 billion in 2021. After lockdowns across southern Europe in 2020 led to a 2.2 percent drop in revenue, the result represents a significant increase—even over the pre-COVID year 2019.
The European Logistics business line raised its revenue by an impressive 13.1 percent to EUR 3.92 billion. Following several years of stagnation, the number of shipments increased significantly by 6.8 percent to 72.0 million; tonnage went up by even more, 8.5 percent, to 30.0 million. All regional business units—Germany, North Central Europe, France & Maghreb, and Iberia—recorded double-digit increases in revenue. Despite COVID-related restrictions for restaurants and hotels in Germany, the acquisition of new customers ensured that the Food Logistics business line achieved revenue growth of 9.8 percent. This is the first time the business line surpassed one billion, achieving revenue of EUR 1.07 billion. 

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