1997-11-16 00:00
[ Formation of Asia-Australia Alliance ]
On 1 December 1997, four lines comprising Malaysia International Shipp
ing Corporation Berhad(MISC), Mitsui OSK Lines(MOL), Orient Overseas C
ontainer Line(OOCL) and Pacific International Lines(PIL) concluded an
agreement to form a new consortium called the Asia Australia Alliance.
Also known as the “Triple A”, the consortium, which is expected to c
ommence in early June 1998 will offer shipping services from South Eas
t Asia to Australia and vice versa. The service will be operated unde
r two separate loops, with four vessels in each loop.
The first loop to be known as the “Torres Express” will have four ve
ssels with speed of 18 knots and will offer a weekly call at Port Klan
g, Singapore, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Fremantle. PIL and OOCL
will each contribute two vessels in this service.
The second loop, to be known as the “Bright Express” will have four
vessels with speed of 19.5 knots and will offer a weekly call at Port
Klang, Singapore, Fremantle, Sydney, Melbourne, Tasmania and Fremantle
. MISC will be contributing three of the vessels with MOL contributin
g the other.
The “Triple A”consortium would be able to offer our customers the mo
st comprehensive coverage in Australia and South East Asia with enhanc
ed twice weekly frequency at Sydney, Melbourne, Fremantle, Port Klang,
Singapore and improved transit time in the Australia trade.