1997-04-19 11:40

[ APL Launches Express Intra-Asia Service,... ]

APL Launches Express Intra-Asia Service, Boosts Regional Service

APL Limited announced that its shipping unit will introduce an
express intra-Asia container service linking Japan directly with Hong
Kong, Singapore and Malaysia, beginning March 17.
Because APL already serves these markets in conjunction with its
long-haul, trans-Pacific services, the company is significantly
boosting its service frequency and also ensuring additional vessel
capacity for intra-Asia customers. The frequency of Malaysia service
will doulbe to twice weekly, the number of weekly sailings will
increase to three for Hong Kong and Singapore, and to five for Japan.
“This new service reflects our continued commitment to the
intra-Asia trade and its growing importance to our customers and APL
’s overall business, ”said Torey Presti, APL’s vice president for
Intra-Asia based in Hong Kong. “It’s a response to the shifts we
are seeing in sourcing, manufacturing and distribution patterns
throughout the Asia-Pacific region.”
Manufacturers of components in North Asia, for example, are
continuing to seek more competitive sources of raw materials and
final production in China and Southeast Asia, said Presti. At the
same time, as income levels and living standards improve, Asian
consumers are purchasing more goods product within the region. “
These trends have made the intra-Asia trades the world’s second
largest market for container shipping services,” he said.
Presti said APL will offer the dedicated service, known as the “
Intra-Asia Express(IAX), ” through a space-chartering agreement with
Wanhai Lines of Taipei. He said Wanhai, a respected leader in the
short-sea, intra-Asia trade lanes, will operate three 19-knot
containership on the route, providing fixed-day-of-the-week service.
The arrangement will enable APL to offer a reliable eight-day transit
from Port Klang, Malaysia to Yokohama, or from Kobe to Singapore, and
a four-day transit from Kobe to Hong Kong from Hong Kong to Tokyo.
Presti noted that the company has long placed special emphasis on its
intra-Asia business, rather than treating it as a mere add-on its
trans-Pacific business. “We have consistently tried to distinguish
our intra-Asia services-including our services to the Indian
Subcontinent and the Middle East- by providing full logistical
support to our intra-Asia customers. This includes on-line
information via the Internet, such as electronic shipment tracing;
access to consolidation services; in-country customer service
personnel; and even company-controlled intermodal services in various
markets,” he said. “The new service is one more step in our
continuing efforts to meet the needs and surpass the expectations of
our customers.”
APL provides worldwide container transportation and logistical
services through an integrated network combining high quality
inermodal services with state-of-the art information technology.
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    Star 01/23 02/28 SEA LEAD SHIPPING
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    Ale 01/19 03/06 SEA LEAD SHIPPING
    Msc Jade 01/20 03/16 MSC Korea
    Star 01/23 02/27 SEA LEAD SHIPPING

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